Monday, October 11, 2010

Why We're Not Waiting for Superman

Why We’re Not Waiting for Superman

Waiting For Superman is an attack on public education, public school teachers and our unions. The film argues for a pro-business, anti-teacher vision of “reform.”

-The film argues for a top down reform strategy, based on promoting charter schools as the solution. In fact,according to a recent Stanford University study, most charter schools do not perform better than public schools, and many do worse. Only 17% of charter schools perform better than public schools and 37% of them do worse. The film does not show any successful public schools, or interview public school teachers, presenting a limited view that charters are the only solution to the problems of our educational system.

-The film asserts that education funding is not the problem. However, on the film’s website, individuals are urged to donate money to teachers working on projects—because we lack the basic resources to adequately serve our children. Schools all over the country lack books, and other materials, and are having their teachers and support staff laid off. Class size is on the rise and the school year is getting shorter as districts try to save money.

-The film argues that standardized testing is a strong indicator of teacher effectiveness. However, across the board, standardized testing scores mirror parental income and student background. Standardized testing also limits curriculum and only tests easily measurable subject areas, at the expense of arts, music, creativity, and problem solving.

-The film wrongly argues that unions are the main barriers to reforming public education. Educator unions do need to become more democratic and participatory. They do need to fight for social justice. However, before teachers unionized, teachers were unable to defend themselves from discrimination. Unions have historically played leading roles in improving public education, and most nations with strong public educational systems have strong unions, such as Finland.

-The film blames tenure for many of our schools’ problems. It falsely claims that teachers automatically get tenure and can practically never be fired. During our probationary years, we can get fired for any reason. Before we get due process rights (tenure), a principal must agree that we have earned it. However, we can still lose our positions, get ‘pink slipped,’ or fired after an impartial hearing.

-The film argues that teachers are the problem with public education, not poverty, racism, or lack of funding. In fact, the opposite is true. According to a report by the Department of Education, 90% of the variation in student test scores is due to factors outside of the teacher’s control. These factors include socio-economic status and race.

-Corporate interests cannot save education, any more than they have saved the economy, the environment (e.g. the Gulf of Mexico) and healthcare in this country.

We in Educators For A Democratic Union, a caucus within United Educators of San Francisco, denounce this film as an anti-teacher hit piece.

Ask most teachers what changes we want to see in our nation’s schools and you will hear:

•Real reforms driven by educators, students and families, not business
•Equitably funded, excellent public schools for all children
•Smaller class sizes
•Stronger ties with parents and communities
•Alliances to fight racism and poverty

We are organizing toward these ends now. We are not waiting for Superman.

For more please visit:

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